
4.0 Primary committers

Yulin Li, Jeff Yoshimi, Zoë Tosi, Tim Shea. Other contributors can be viewed by looking at merged pull requests.

3.0 Primary committers

Zoë Tosi, Jeff Yoshimi.

2.0 Primary committers

Michael Heuer, Zoë Tosi, James Matthew Watson, Jeff Yoshimi.

Other coding help

Kyle Baron, Ryan Bartley, Ashish Gupta, Scott Hotton, Eric Johnson, Jason Laurel, Yulin Li, Lam Nguyen, Amanda Pandey, William Benjamin St. Claire, Mai Ngoc Thang, Jonathan Vickrey, and Sharai Wilson.

Art and design

Elizabeth Reagh, David Fleischmann, Soraya Boza, and Brian Nucum. Some of the graphics were acquired and /or adapated from Kenney, Reiner's Tilesets, Wikimedia Commons (Michael Borcherds, Everaldo Coelho, Mark James, Markus Hohenwarter), Mohamed Mb, and elsewhere in Creative Commons. Icons were also drawn or adapted from the Tango Desktop Project and Elegant Themes from Flaticons.com

Other thanks

Saraching Chao, Rick Dale, Cheryl Evry, Carlos Garcia, Mariel Gonzales, Jim Gregoric, Daniel Holman, Alex Holcombe, Tyler Jones, Matthew Lloyd, Simon Levy, Arianna Malakis, Armin Mayrhofer, Connor Pemberton, Megan Pemberton, Maria Puglisi, Jeff Rodny, Ricardo Velasco, Robert Young, Brandon Zielinski, and members of the Piccolo users group and the Sun forums.

Many other students at and visitors to UC Merced have provided valuable feedback.

Tools, Etc.

This software uses various Apache tools, and the following libraries: Beanshell, Colt, GlazedLists, JAMA , JFreeChart, JGAPPiccolo, OjAlgo, RText and RSyntaxTextArea, SSJ, SwingLabs, and XStream. Some of the data (in particular the .arff files) were drawn from the Weka project, and from the website of Gary Weiss. Some of the tools at Ostermiller.org are also used. Bits of open source code found online or in books are noted in code documentation.

The Simbrain.net website is based on the skeleton framework and uses an unslider.

Simbrain has been developed using an open source YourKit license. Yourkit supports open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler.

Funding and Grant Support

The development of Simbrain has been supported by several grants, including an early grant (around 2005) from the Hewlett Foundation, and several UC Merced faculty research grants. Between 2016 and 2019 some work on Simbrain was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (An Analysis of the Consequences of Cortical Structure on Computation Award Number:1513779).