

Open: Open a world file.
Save: Save a world file.
Save-as: Save a world file with a new, user-specified name.
World Preferences: Calls dialog for setting world preferences.
Close: Closes current OdorWorld.


Clear All Entities: Remove all entities; clear world.
Load Stimulus Vectors: User can upload his or her own data for smell sources from a .csv file. Each row of the .csv file is used to set the stimulus vector for an object in the world (this is a rudimentary command for the time being).


Help: Open OdorWorld's main help page.

Popup Menus

The content of the popup menus depend on what the user right clicks on either it is on an agent, an entity, or the background.

Delete Entity: Remove selected entity.
Add Object: Add entity to location clicked on.
Add Agent: Add creature to location clicked on.
Add Smell Source: Input desired number of dimensions for the smell vector of an agent.
Edit Entity: Calls dialog for setting properties of agent, or objects.
World Preferences: Calls dialog for setting world preferences.