

Set rows / columns: Add a set number of row(s) and column(s).

Fill Values

Fill Table: Fill the entire table with a set value.

ZeroFill the Table: Fill the entire table with the zero value.


Randomize: Randomizes selected cell(s) in the table by sampling from an uniform distribution.

Randomization Bounds: Adjusts the upper and lower limit for randomization of the data in the table.

Normalize Column(s): Rescales the values in a column using maximum and minimum values so that they all lie in the range [0,1].

Shuffle Rows: Randomly permute the rows of the table.

Iteration Mode: When a table is in iteration mode, every time a network it is coupled to is iterated, the selected row moves forward. Running a coupled network thereby has the effect of iterating through the entire set of columns. This feature allows one to create a specific sequence of inputs to a network and repeatedly deliver it.

Pop-up Menu

Insert Row: Insert a new row above the highlighted row.

Insert Column: Insert a new column.

Delete Row: Delete the highlighted row.

Delete Column: Delete the highlighted column.

Edit > Set Rows / Columns: See above.

Randomize: See above.

Fill Values: See above.