Scatter Plot

Scatter plot is a standard scatter plot that can be used to provide a standard cartesian coordinate plot. Each dot has an x and y coordinate that are attributes that can be connected to any other numerical attribute in simbrain. For example, one dot can be used to represent the state of two nuerons (any pattern of activity for the two neurons determines the coordinate of this dot. Two dots can represent the state of four neurons etc.). This is similar to projection plot in coordinate projection mode.

Component Panel

Add: Adds a point to the scatter plot.

Delete: Deletes a point from the scater plot.



Open: Opens a scatter plot from a stored .xml file.

Save: Saves the current scatter plot.

Save As: Saves the current scatter plot and allows you to specify a name for the file.

Close: Closes the current scatter plot.


Preferences: Allows you to set the scatter plots appearance.

Dot Size: Allows to to set the size of the dot.

Maximum Domain: Sets the maximum value of the x-axis.

Minimum Domain: Sets the minimum value of the x-axis.

Auto Domain: When selected, automatically re-scales the x-axis so all points are shown in the window.

Maximum Range: Sets the maximum value of the y-axis.

Minimum Range: Sets the minimum value of the y-axis.

Auto Range: When selected, automatically re-scales the y-axis so that all points are show in the window.

Show History: When selected, the plot keeps a record of past points.

Series Color: Allows you to select the series size and color.


Opens the main help page of scatter plot.

Right-Click Menu

The context menu is a JFreeChart menu.