Toolbar and Dialog Elements

Status Bar The status bar shows the current dimensionality of the high dimensional data, the current number of data points, and for the Sammon method, the current error.
Projection Selector This drop down box allows you to select which projection method to use on the data.
Iterate Indefinitely Pressing this button will cause the program to iterate the algorithm an indefinite number of steps until the Stop button, , is pressed. Only Sammon maps uses this and related buttons.
Stop Iteration Pressing this button will cause the program to stop iterating the algorithm.
  Iterate One Step Pressing this button will cause the projection algorithm to iterate once.
Erase data This button clears both the high dimensional data set and low dimensional data set from the program.
Randomize data This button randomizes the points in the low dimensional set. Useful for bumping the Sammon map out of local minima, and for exploring different possible projections of a given dataset under the Sammon map.
Warning Label This symbol warns the user that the current method works best when more datapoints are already added.
Step Size This field scales the amount points are moved on each iteration. Note this item is only displayed if the Sammon map is selected.
First and Second Dimension This field controls which dimensions of the high-dimensional data are projected to the horizontal and vertical axes of the display. Note this item is only displayed if Coordinate Projection is selected. For more info see the discussion at coordinate preferences.