FitzHugh-Nagumo Neuron

The FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron model (also see this Scholarpedia article; note that our notation here follows the Scholarpedia article, not the wikipedia article), is a 2-d simplification of the 4-d Hodkin-Huxley model (the variables are voltage and internal recovery variable w). A close and simpler cousin of Moris-Lecar models. Based on the idea that a non-linear voltage term and a recovery term will capture most observed spiking dynamics.

As a family tree, Hodkin-Huxley came first, then FitzHugh-Nagumo, then Moris-Lecar

Parameter descriptions are given here though it may help to simply think of these as abstract parameters of a complex dynamical system. More detailed description of similar parameters are in the AdEx docs.

A (Recovery Rate)

Abstract measure of how much "resource" a cell is depleting in response to large changes in voltage. A time constant for V and the recovery variable w.

B (Rec. Voltage Dependence)

How much the recovery variable w depends on voltage.

C (Rec. Self Dependence)

How quickly the recovery variable recovers to its baseline value.

Background Current (nA)

Background current to the cell.

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